Including 17 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, direct emissions, and direct emission.
… via Subgroup Council; Businesses Short Fully funded/Core budget or successful award of grant funding Resourcing to be secured * Carbon emissions are categorised into three groups by the international accounting tool, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Scope 1 means direct emissions associated with combustion of fuels by a consumer for example gas used for heating. Scope 2 means indirect…
… emissions from energy which is purchased elsewhere for example electricity. Although the carbon emissions result from an organisation’s activities, they occur at sources it does not own or control. Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur because of activity by a consumer, for example the products we buy. These emissions are harder to measure but can represent up to 80% of a Local…
… Authority’s total emissions when considered in full. Scope 3 emissions reporting is relatively new, and methodologies are still emerging to allow for measurement in many areas. Action Number Action Owner…
… Manager) Partially funded/ Grant funding to be secured Resourcing to be secured 6.27 Review potential emission reduction options for RCV fleet including impact on service design, available infrastructure, and fuel type and develop strategy for replacement Head of Climate Response and Environmental Services Council Short/ Medium Fully funded/Core budget…
… the current position. Against each action we have identified the availability of existing resources. As with the 2021 version of the action plan, our timescales for delivery match the ambition of the Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy (KMELES). Timescales: Do It Now – Within the next year Short – 2023 Medium – 2027 Long – Post 2030 Funding: In 2022/23 budget Officer time only…