Including 15 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, reduce emissions, and emissions reduction.
… total as a ‘carbon offset’. Therefore to meet our net zero carbon goal, the total carbon emitted by the Council, minus the total carbon absorbed from Council owned and operated land, must equal zero by 2030. In 2018/19 the balance of carbon emissions was 44,934 tCO2e. 6.10 The Council now has carbon emission data for three financial years as shown in Figure 2 below. The total carbon emissions…
… on biodiversity. 9.2 To achieve our 60% emissions reduction in buildings by 2030 we will aim for 9% reduction each year to 2029/30. 9.3 Progress to date: - In 2009 the Council developed a carbon reduction strategy to reduce emissions from energy related carbon by 60% by 2021. This strategy saw the delivery of many effective and innovative projects across the county including: - Installation of low…
… measures of success and timescales can be found in Appendix 2 17 C l i m a t e C h a n g e S t r a t e g y Objective Two Mobility & Transport 10.1 Reducing emissions from Council owned fleet, business travel and employee commuting. Emissions from mobility & transport remain a consistent source of carbon emissions with 14…
…% of total emissions being reported in 2018/19. We know that technologies around electricity and hydrogen fuelled vehicles is improving and we need to ensure that we do not fall behind in this area. 10.2 To achieve our 80% emissions reduction by 2030 we aim to reduce our emissions by 9% each year to 2024/25 and then increase to 10% per year up to 2029/30. 10.3 Progress to date: - The Council’s…
… – however, there is an acceptance that external factors largely affect this and therefore we have reduced the target emissions reduction for this theme. 11.3 To achieve our 60% emissions reduction by 2030 we aim to reduce our emissions by 8% each year up to 2029/30. 11.4 Progress to date: - The Council has a strong methodology established through our own TOMs (Themes, Outcomes & Measures…