Including 14 closely related terms such as gas emissions, carbon emissions, and emissions reduction.
… with the Council’s Corporate Performance Management Framework, and will be reviewed at each CEEAC meeting and reported to Cabinet. Reviewing progress on the actions quarterly will allow us to keep track of the short and long-term implementation, progress and outcomes of each action. Annually, the council’s greenhouse gas emissions report will be reviewed to see the reduction in our overall carbon emissions…
…% Strategic Approach This plan focuses on how we will reduce carbon emissions from our own operations to make us a carbon neutral council. Our approach to this work is guided by our data and five principles, outlined below. Our Data Looking at our council carbon emission data from our baseline year 2019/20, around half of our emissions come from our four leisure centres, while over one third of our…
… approach to climate action as an organisation and were used to develop the actions in this plan. We will use these principles as a benchmark for future plans and policies we develop and will also use them to inform current projects. The five principles are: Source: Vale of White Horse District Council Greenhouse Gas emissions report 2019/2020 Political commitment to climate action Political…
… Member Development and Infrastructure Promote community infrastructure levy (CIL) criteria to all relevant staff to ensure they maximise carbon emission reductions in all CIL projects WOW13 Narrative with quantitative elements Percentage of CIL projects that include carbon emission reduction considerations/ relevant project proposals, providing examples strategic Head of Policy…
… for their projects to be a success SD10 Narrative with quantitative elements Report on support provided to town and parish councils on their carbon reduction projects; data on number of carbon emissions reduction projects submitted by town and parish councils enabling Head of Planning Cabinet Member Community Engagement Support the implementation of the air quality action plan across the district SD11…