Including 11 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, reduce emissions, and emissions.
… we are currently To reduce emissions and work towards making Wiltshire carbon neutral, we first need to understand our emissions. The pie chart below shows the key sources of emissions in Wiltshire (chart 1). These are the territorial emissions from Wiltshire and do not take into account imported goods. Wiltshire’s renewable electricity generation accounted for approximately 6…
… plans to be in place. Being ‘carbon neutral’ and having ‘net zero carbon’ emissions are slightly different, so the concepts are explained in ‘Our Approach’ in relation to our commitments. Essentially, we need to ensure that any carbon dioxide emitted – from vehicles, homes, businesses or the land – is balanced by an equal amount taken out of the atmosphere - for example being absorbed…
… is to highlight key areas that we in Wiltshire can focus on in the next five years as well as setting out some important context on policy and emissions data. This strategy is structured around seven delivery themes. A discussion of challenges and opportunities in each theme was presented in a discussion document in January 2021 so this strategy does not repeat that discussion. We were pleased…
…, the council acknowledged the climate emergency and committed to seek to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030. To this end, in July 2019 Wiltshire Council pledged as an organisation to become carbon neutral by 2030. A Climate Emergency Task Group was set up, gathering the views of a wide range of stakeholders to provide recommendations on ways to reduce carbon emissions. Wiltshire…
… Council has been working to reduce its carbon emissions for over a decade with some of the following results: z We cut our carbon footprint by more than 80% between 2015 and 2021 z Thanks to sustained investment in renewables over time, in 2020/21 council-owned solar PV generated 727,097 kWh. Renewable electricity generation on our own estate increased by 39% compared with 2019/20. z…