Including 8 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions reduction, and emissions.
… with an estimated 58% carbon emissions reduction anticipated on completion in 2023. Building energy use intensity will reduce 444 Wh/m2 per year to 260 Wh/m2 per year or, using benchmarking data, from 0.667kg to 0.334kg of CO2 per customer. These numbers are particularly significant as the building area, occupancy and energy consumption will increase when completed. ü 1.10.1 HERTFORD THEATRE - Maximise…
…. East Herts has seen the first successful, fully electric taxi procured on a trial lease scheme through the ERDF funding support. ü ü ü 2.7.2 Review and update taxi vehicle policies to further strengthen incentives/requirements for low emission taxis Currently being investigated by HCCSP transport group. ü ü ü 2.8 Work to utilise regulatory powers to facilitate improved domestic energy efficiency…