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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 14 closely related terms such as gas emissions, carbon emissions, and direct emissions.

1 result

Braintree District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… targets, the Council has also recorded its own direct emissions those created from the energy it consumes and indirect emissions. Since 2005, the Council has reduced its own emissions from 6455 tonnes down to 3281 tonnes CO2 per annum, and we aim for our Council activities to be carbon neutral by 2030. To date we have delivered, and worked with others to deliver a range of initiatives and projects…

…, in communities or through various networks. This will need to continue and scale up. People’s individual actions are extremely important, both in direct emissions reduction and in bringing about the changes we need to achieve our goals. In order to maintain governance, accountability, support and coordination within wider networks, Braintree District Council, and the Climate Change Working Group…

… Strategy who release local authority wide carbon emissions data (there is always a two-year lag in the publication of each year’s data e.g. 2020 data will not be published until 2022). Therefore this strategy will require other outcome and output measures to monitor the success of interventions to determine which actions offer best value for money and provide the widest co- benefits in a timely…

… techniques were used to broaden the responses and feedback and to encourage people to participate in the engagement in a way that suited them. An online survey asked direct questions about the themes and priorities, and a simulator asked people to apply scorings to approaches, which were weighted according to how much they would contribute to an overall reduction in carbon emissions. Face to face…

… the strategy. Our Action Plan has also been developed taking into account the feedback received. Feedback from public engagement 4 C L I M A T E C H A N G E S T R A T E G Y Our climate is changing, we have seen a rapid rise in greenhouse gas emissions and a trend towards increasing global average temperatures over the last century. As a result of the temperature increases, climatic…


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