Including 17 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, direct emissions, and direct emission.
… and facilitate change. The Plan will be regularly updated to account for further developments in national legislation, regulation and policy. The Council is also undertaking further work to assess its indirect emissions; therefore, the plan will be updated when additional emission reduction pathways are identified. The following main themes summarise the key emissions reduction pathways identified…
…, waste and staff commuting. Work is currently underway to establish the scale of emissions in some of these areas. The below tables and diagrams show the baseline emissions data the Council will use as a comparison for reporting up to 2030, unless stated the data is from the 2018/19 financial year. Scope 1 – Direct emissions from gas sources owned or controlled by the Council. Category Tonnes…
…: The section on Council Operations sets out how the Council aims to reduce its own carbon emissions to become carbon neutral and identifies actions on how this is to be achieved. Council operations include emissions reduction in Council buildings, including the Civic offices, museum and sheltered housing as well as emissions from the goods and services that the Council purchases, business travel, staff…
… to the Council’s estate and has the most comprehensive data set before the Covid-19 pandemic caused marked changes in building usage and staff travel. The baseline will give the figures for comparison against emissions reported up to 2030. Where the term carbon emissions is used throughout the Climate Change Action Plan, this refers to all Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents…
… equivalent Scope of the Climate Change Action Plan Previously the Council have reported Scope 1 and 2 emissions, with emissions from business travel and electricity transmission and distribution losses reported as Scope 3. Carbon emissions are categorised into three groups to define how emissions are generated and who is responsible: Scope 1 Direct emissions from gas sources owned…