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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 16 closely related terms such as other emissions, gas emissions, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Richmondshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. As well as greenhouse gas emissions, there are natural and man-made processes that take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. These are important as they can effectively offset some of the carbon emissions. Tree planting is the most well known of these, but in Richmondshire, the restoration of areas of upland peat, taking place under programmes such as the Tees Swale Project, is also significant…

… tonnes CO2(e) per year for the last two years. Table 3.1: Main Sources of Carbon Emissions from the Council’s activities and operations Site or source of greenhouse gas emissions tonnes carbon dioxide (equivalent) tonnes carbon dioxide (equivalent) 2019/20 2020/21 Richmond Swimming Pool 378.5 330.8 HGV fleet vehicles 216 214.6 Non HGV fleet vehicles 130.5 122.9 RDC Street Lighting…

… way of measuring them. A recent Sustainable Procurement Study commissioned by the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership indicated that these other emissions can amount to at least as much as the measured carbon emissions. The data collected for 2019-20 and 2020-21 also gives some insight into the carbon emissions impact of the changes to the Council’s own operations…

… to reduce carbon emissions is, and what the costs of doing so will be b) the solutions to and costs of reducing carbon emissions is a rapidly evolving area. This brings with it significant risks of getting ‘locked in’ to costly solutions which may not deliver all the emissions reductions needed in some areas if commitments are made now to action that will not take place for a few years c) the plan…

… external funding for carbon emission reduction projects that would otherwise have been unachievable. The actions and projects reflect the Council’s role as an influencer and leader as well as being an organisation that can take action to tackle its own carbon emissions. The projects are set out in four tables in Appendices 1-4, organised into the following categories: Appendix 1: Carbon reduction…


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