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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 15 closely related terms such as gas emissions, carbon emissions, and direct emissions.

1 result

Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (DOCX)

…. We will define our emissions according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This will include the most direct emissions Scope 1 and Scope 2, with some additional emissions captured within Scope 3, namely business travel and commuting. Sefton’s Carbon Baseline / Footprint Here is a summary of the Council’s carbon footprint in CO2. The total emissions from the scope we have defined is 10,017 Tonnes…

… and to learn from one global crisis in response to another. Global carbon emissions have fallen in all countries and will help us to meet the global Paris accord target to limit warming. This demonstrates a valuable lesson, that there is no quick fix and reduction in carbon emissions has to be sustained and long term to have a significant impact. We can also learn valuable lessons on a Sefton basis · COVID…

…. Activity Emissions (tCO2) Scope 1 Gas 3,173 Scope 1 Oil 0 Scope 1 Diesel 142 Scope 2 Electricity 4,411 Scope 3 Business Travel 313 Scope 3 Staff Commute 1,978 Total emissions 10,017 Here is a summary of the Council’s carbon footprint in CO2e…

…. (CO2e means carbon dioxide equivalent and is a measure that takes into account the emission of other greenhouse gases associated with the activity undertaken). CO2e allows other greenhouse gas emissions to be expressed in terms of CO2 based on their relative global warming potential (GWP). This means that this measure will be slightly higher than CO2, because it captures additional emissions causing…

… global warming/climate change. The total emissions from the scope we have defined is 10,077 Tonnes. Activity Emissions (tCO2e) Scope 1 Gas 3,180 Scope 1 Oil 0 Scope 1 Diesel 144 Scope 2 Electricity 4,451 Scope 3 Business Travel 351 Scope 3 Staff Commute 1,988…


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