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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 18 closely related terms such as gas emissions, overall emissions, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Midlothian Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Change declaration in 2007. This was a voluntary agreement that committed the Council to working with the Scottish and UK Governments to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, taking steps to adapt to the impact of climate change, and working with communities on the issue. 3.2 On 31 October 2019 The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 became law. It amends…

…. The latest Met Office climate projection data for Midlothian (2018) (10) estimates that under a mid-range carbon emissions scenario, summers will be 5% drier and winters 7% wetter compared to those in 1990. Both summer and winter days will, on average be 1°C hotter. Under a high carbon emissions scenario, summers will be 5% drier and winters 10% wetter compared to those in 1990. Both winter and summer…

… sector represents a small fraction of overall emissions. Carbon dioxide was the main greenhouse gas emitted or removed in most sectors but there were emissions of methane, Nitrous oxide and Fluorinated gases recorded (albeit to a much reduced level in most cases) across most sectors. Only the public sector and industrial processes sectors recorded zero levels of these non-carbon dioxide greenhouse…

… gases. It is Scotland’s target to reduce all sector emissions to net zero by 2045. Table 1 Scotland's Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas and Scottish Government Sector 2018 (values in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e))e) Fluorinated Gases Nitrous Oxide MethaneCarbon Dioxide % Share Total Sector 10 The extent…

… - Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland for the years 1990 to 2018, Scottish Government, an Official Statistics Publication for Scotland. 4.5 Emissions data for Midlothian indicates a similar trend to the national picture with transport being the largest source of CO2 emissions followed by Industry and Commercial and domestic sectors (see table 2). Between 2005 and 2014 there has been…


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