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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 8 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, local emissions, and emissions.

1 result

London Borough of Lewisham

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… on the definition of carbon neutral by 2030. The table below summarises the reductions achieved through the modelling of carbon emissions in the scenarios. Scenario Emission reduction from Baseline 2030/31 Borough wide Lewisham Council tCO2 % reduction Remaining emissions (tCO2) Cost of carbon offset (£M) Remaining emissions (tCO2) Cost of carbon offset (£M) Core Actions…

… 1.1.1 The Council’s Executive Management Team to oversee delivery of the Climate Emergency Action Plan with an annual update report to Mayor and Cabinet. 2020/21 £ Chief Executive 1.1.2 Publish an annual ‘Corporate Use of Resources’ statement setting out performance in relation to corporate carbon emissions, energy consumption, water, waste & recycling, paper use, staff travel…

… twenty-eight London boroughs had made a similar declaration, with the majority setting the same target as Lewisham. While local authorities do not have direct control of the majority of local emissions, they deliver a range of regulatory and strategic functions in key sectors such as housing and transport and have significant influence in their roles as community leaders, major employers, social…

… pressures. There are no extra resources available to local authorities that declare a Climate Emergency and we will need to find creative ways to find the resources needed to support this work. 1.6 This challenge, and the challenge of cutting carbon emissions, will continue to get more difficult as the population of the borough continues to grow. The Greater London Authority forecast a growth…

… in Lewisham’s population of 19% between 2017 and 2040. This will increase demand for local services and infrastructure, as well as increase pressures on local housing and, without action, lead to an increase in carbon emissions. Yet growth also creates opportunities, and city living is low carbon living. The revitalisation of our town centres and investment in services and strategic infrastructure…


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