Including 9 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emission reduction, and emissions.
… the area, even if it is generated somewhere else. 8 2005: 2,156 kilotons of carbon emissions 20-V14-FINAL Chart 8: Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 2005 to 2050 for Hull Currently, 22% of Hull’s emissions come from the transport sector, with housing then responsible for 28% of emissions, public and commercial buildings for 29% and industry 21%. By 2050, the analysis projects emissions…
… carbon emission reduction actions. Sequestration Work is required over the coming year to understand the current carbon sequestration benefit offered by the existing trees and habitats in Hull and therefore understand the requirements to ensure that these are maintained in a carbon sequestration and biodiversity enrichment way. Analysis for the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP…
… hereafter. Therefore, using the national 2050 net zero target date, which is the date that current Government policy and funding is focused upon achieving, at current rates of carbon emissions, Hull would use up its 10,400kt budget in just over 9 years. However, Hull could stay within this carbon budget by reducing emissions by 7.7% year on year to become carbon neutral by 2050. This would mean…
… possible action, under its control, to reduce emissions so that Hull becomes fully carbon neutral by 2030. The achievement of carbon neutrality by Hull for 2030 is a big challenge, and one that requires significant policy and funding change that can only be delivered by Government. Therefore, based upon the national net zero target for 2050, established within the Climate Change Act…
… Roadmaps for the city covering mobility, energy, buildings, industry, land-use, land-use change and forestry Understand the future cost / implication of non-optimum decarbonisation solutions and investments Zero emission transport infrastructure strategy Citizens Inquiry: Provide wider civil society input into 2030 target actions Ensure that climate proofing is undertaken of all major…