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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 8 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, reduce emissions, and emissions.

1 result

Herefordshire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Our approach in the first five years is to focus on behaviour changes, efficiencies, technology and renewable energy. Currently, we anticipate that we will be able to reduce emissions (relative to 2008/09 baseline) by 75% by 2025/26. We then have five more years to get to zero. We believe we will be able to reduce our carbon emissions significantly although there are likely to be some residual…

… change, staff travel plan, video conferencing, fleet review, property rationalisation -332 -273 Totals -11193 -6874 Percentage reduction from baseline -83% -75% This graph shows key areas where we will reduce our carbon emissions to 2030/31, the figures are indicative and the areas of focus will remain flexible as reductions are measured across a variety of interventions and as we continue…

… and gas Halo expect to save 1098 tonnes of CO2 by 2025/26. Up to 1098 tonnes of CO2 saved Energy Efficiency programme In 2015 the council in partnership with Halo installed solar PV on the Hereford and Leominster leisure centres. Since this date Halo have undertaken a series of energy efficiency projects to further reduce their carbon emissions. Halo have installed a more efficient air handling…

… which will save up to 100 tonnes of CO2. BBLP plan to purchase green gas when it is viable to do so meaning all energy consumption will be 100% renewable for their operations in Herefordshire. Up to 100 tonnes of CO2 saved Switching to renewable energy sources is a key way to reduce carbon emissions. Renewable energy purchase CO2 savings... Purchase Renewable Energy for Council Estate…

…. The council has commissioned a study to decarbonise the heat it uses for its own building stock, as the results of the study become available and next steps formalised that study will feed into this action plan. Pool Cars As vehicles have become more efficient our carbon emissions from staff commuting and business mileage have decreased. We are working to accelerate this decline in carbon emissions


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