Including 8 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emission reduction, and emissions.
… 1 Next Steps to Net Zero Carbon Reduction Plan April 2021 – March 2026 2 FOREWORD Over the past ten years, Harlow Council has worked to reduce the carbon emissions from its own operations, achieving a cumulative 39% reduction on 2014/15 baseline emissions during the previous Carbon Management Plan…
… a legal duty to do so by 2050 at the latest. The Council unanimously declared a Climate Emergency in July 2019. Addressing the Council’s own carbon emissions is critical to safeguarding the environment, and ensuring Harlow is a town fit for the future. Since 2011, the Council has set out five-yearly carbon reduction targets and made significant progress in reducing emissions. This report…
… identifies what carbon emission reductions the Council will achieve over the 2021-26 period, and begins the critically important work required to prepare to meet Net Zero. It sets out the commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2040. To deliver this, the Council will take the following steps: - Fitting no fossil fuelled boilers into operational buildings after 2025/26 - Buying no new carbon emitting…
… to the overall Council target to reduce emissions. 27. A comparison of the Council’s Co2e emissions for the past 10 years is shown below: 28. The residual carbon emissions following the previous two Carbon Management Plans can be seen below with gas and transport related emissions making up the majority. Natural Gas Electricity (100% Renewable for 2019 onwards) Operational vehicles…
… for generations to come. Harlow Council has an opportunity and obligation to demonstrate civic leadership in embracing that challenge by charting a course to Net Zero carbon emissions. Getting it right is critical to making Harlow an even greater engine for opportunity and prosperity in the East of England. Following the UK Government setting the Net Zero target in law in June 2019, it has been under…