Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions, and emissions.
… against each of these in terms of definitive action take is set out below. Consumption, Resources and Waste Developed and launched a new Procurement Sustainability Policy which mobilises £400m on council spending power in order to radically tackle carbon emissions within the council’s supply chain. 150 tonnes of plastic saved by the Plastic Free Wembley campaign, including trialling biodegradable…
… secured £4.7m for the region to retrofit homes for those on low incomes in fuel poverty, plus an additional £1m for Brent specifically in the second phase of the project. 21,000 LED street lights installed, reducing carbon emissions by 62% while continuing to keep our streets safe. Secured £3.2m of funding to improve the energy efficiency of 16 council-owned buildings across our estate in 2021-22…
…, not just council-only emissions, because of how urgent this issue is – and therefore more ambitious goals are required. We are one of only 12 councils in London who have adopted this 2030 target. In late 2019, we held the Brent Climate Assembly to understand resident’s priorities. The outcome of these workshops has informed our Strategy for reaching that ambitious goal…
…-22. 553 adults and 2,942 children received free cycle training in the last year. Implemented 33 School Street trials, where the roads around a school are closed to traffic during drop off and pick up times to limit toxic emissions - the third highest number of all London boroughs. Five Healthy Neighbourhoods (Low Traffic Neighbourhoods) implemented, with plans for a further five more following…
… case studies on the impact accordingly. In the process of updating the council’s Corporate Travel Plan to embed staff shifts to sustainable travel. Homes and Buildings In 2020, the council announced that it cut its emissions by 67.7% over the last decade. This exceeds the government’s target and a more robust self-imposed goal which was agreed in 2018. Part of a West London consortium which has…