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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 11 closely related terms such as gas emissions, emissions reduction, and net emissions.

1 result

Cotswold District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Greenhouse gas emissions from the Council’s operations ........................................................... 33 9 Emission reduction targets ........................................................................................................... 35 9.1 A district-wide target ............................................................................................................ 35 9.1.1…

… the present national goal of 2050. Determine and promote a stretching district-wide emissions reduction target and pathway Most Local Authorities that have declared a climate emergency have also adopted area-wide reduction targets, often more ambitious than the UK’s current legally binding target of net zero territorial greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Many have not made clear how such a target…

… ................................................................................................................. 20 6 Organising principles ..................................................................................................................... 21 7 Greenhouse gas emissions from Cotswold District ...................................................................... 25 7.1 The national context…

… Figure 4 Expected changes in precipitation, Met Office UK Climate Impacts project .......................... 15 Figure 5: UK territorial (production) greenhouse gas emissions, 1990-2018 ....................................... 25 Figure 6: Relative emissions from six Gloucestershire districts ............................................................ 27 Figure 7: Proportional emissions from all…

… electricity ............................. 36 Figure 14: CDC historic and target net emissions ................................................................................. 37 Figure 15: Levers of influence ............................................................................................................... 39 Table 1: District-wide emissions by source, incl LULUCF, ktCO2e…


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