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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 11 closely related terms such as gas emissions, carbon emissions, and gas emission.

1 result

Chichester District Council

Direct link to action plan (DOCX)

…. A 10% year-on-year reduction would take the area’s emissions to 342,739 tCO2e in 2025, a 47% reduction, as shown below. Table 2: 10% year-on-year reduction in area-wide target emissions Year Emissions tCO2e 2019 644,924 2020 580,431 2021 522,388 2022…

… Preface By Councillor Penny Plant, Cabinet Member for the Environment and Contract Services, Chair of Chichester District Council’s Environment Panel Dear reader, Climate change is an issue that touches every aspect of our lives: the homes that we live in, how we get from A to B, how we shop, how we spend our leisure time. There is no area of our lives that does not have an impact on carbon emissions

…, for better or worse. That is why every person, every business, every community group, every public service, every organisation in the District has a part to play in tackling climate change. It is something that impacts us all. Therefore, a key part of this action plan is how to involve people in the District in cutting carbon emissions so that we meet the target that we have set for the District. We want…

… believe that we have the tools and processes that we need to make substantial cuts in carbon emissions in the District. I hope you will join me in playing our part to meet this challenge. Yours sincerely, Summary In July 2019 in response to the mass of scientific evidence about climate change and its impacts, Chichester District Council declared a climate emergency. This committed the Council…

… to act to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and led to an initial action plan that was approved by the Council in January 2020. That initial plan has developed into the plan outlined in this document. It is intended to be an evolving document as there is a need to balance completeness against the urgency of action that the climate emergency requires. Therefore, it will constantly be under review…


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