Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions, and emission.
… OUR ENVIRONMENTAL CHARTER The Council has declared a climate emergency and therefore puts environmental considerations at the heart of its service delivery. Our Environmental Charter states our commitment to action in order to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030, showing how we will use our own resources wisely to set a direction…
… through our own actions, working with partners and influencing others. Wildflower and pollinator area at the front of North Norfolk District Council headquarters in Cromer, June 2021 CHAPTER ONE The steps that we are taking to achieve net-zero carbon emissions across our own estate and operations by 2030 CHAPTER TWO What we will do as community leaders to meet the challenges of the climate…
… change emergency across the district CHAPTER THREE What you can do to address the climate emergency and help to promote environmental excellence The steps that we are taking to achieve net-zero carbon emissions across our own estate and operations by 2030CHAPTER ONE In April 2019 North Norfolk became the first district council in Norfolk to declare a climate change emergency. Since then we…
… have pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions across our own estate and operations by 2030. To deliver this ambitious target we pledge to take the following important steps... NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL | Environmental Charter | • We will measure and publish emission baseline data for the council’s estate and operations • We will measure…
… on an annual basis the progress we have made to reduce the Council’s carbon emissions and will publish the findings We will MEASURE • We will manage fossil fuel consumption by reducing the carbon footprint of all our operational buildings to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030 • We will manage the carbon footprint of our contractors by evaluating their emissions and carefully considering…