Including 17 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, direct emissions, and direct emission.
… change. CDP noted that Wandsworth produces a borough-wide emissions inventory, that Wandsworth understands, reports and is taking action on climate risks and vulnerability in the borough, is incorporating specific sustainability goals into mainstream borough-wide planning and has an action plan in place to reduce carbon emissions. Wandsworth’s Carbon Emissions Council emissions 36…
… (Direct emissions): Activities owned, controlled or paid for by the Council that release emissions straight into the atmosphere. They are direct emissions and include combustion in gas boilers owned or controlled by the Council, or from petrol and diesel fuelled vehicles. • Scope 2 (Energy indirect): Emissions released into the atmosphere associated with use of electricity, heat, steam and cooling…
… on the report, these will be submitted to the Executive and/or the General Purposes Committee for their consideration. 3. The Executive is recommended to: a) Note the progress made in delivery of the Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan at Appendix A. b) Note the 2019/20 carbon emissions data for Wandsworth and the decrease in emissions on 2018/19. c) Approve…
… of the Council’s sources of Scope 1 carbon emissions, to reduce these emissions Wandsworth agreed at the Strategic Planning and Transport OSC meeting on 2 November 2020 (Paper 20-336) to replace the existing fleet of 32 commercial heavy-duty vehicles with 28 replacements that produce lower emissions. Some of these new vehicles will be electric and others will be hybrids. A number of the more eco-friendly…
… approach for all Local Authorities so there is a consistent methodology and approach to Scope 3 emissions. In addition, London Councils has a project that will produce recommendations for a shared borough approach to carbon emissions accounting, including an agreed methodology for Scope 3 emissions. This is scheduled to be completed by July 2021. The intention is that these will either feed…