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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 13 closely related terms such as other emissions, carbon emissions, and emissions targets.

1 result

Cambridge City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… show community leadership by taking action in the areas where it has greatest control or influence, our direct carbon emissions account for just 1.1% of the total in Cambridge. The actions and choices of residents, businesses and institutions in Cambridge –- in relation to energy use in homes and buildings, transport, food and Cambridge City Council | Climate Change Strategy 2021-2026…

… account for around 31% of total carbon emissions from the city1. Businesses and institutions are responsible for 49% of carbon emissions from the city, primarily from buildings. We will help reduce emissions from homes and buildings by: ● Improving existing Council homes by investing £2.5 million from 2020/21 to 2022/23 to improve the energy efficiency of the lowest-rated Council homes…

… low carbon choices about their home and other emissions, through the Cambridge Climate Change Charter and a broader engagement programme. ● Engaging and encouraging businesses to invest in their buildings through meetings, workshops, communications materials and the Climate Change Charter. OBJECTIVE 3 Reducing carbon emissions from transport in Cambridge Electric taxi charging point…

… and the cost of solar PV panels and electric vehicles. These cost reductions are driven by scale manufacturing, investor confidence and ‘learning-by-doing’ during deployment8. ● Increasing national net zero carbon commitments. Since the UK Government announced a national target for net zero carbon emissions by 2050, China, the EU, Japan and South Korea have all announced net zero emissions targets

… Committee advises national Government on targets and delivery, and measures progress towards net zero. The Committee suggests that, with recent UK carbon emissions reductions coming primarily from the transition away from coal-fired power to renewable energy sources, future UK reductions must come from buildings, industry, transport, agriculture and phasing out gas-fired power.14 Figure 4…


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