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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 11 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, reduce emissions, and emissions reduction.

1 result

South Gloucestershire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… work on reducing health inequalities, transport, economy and place shaping has significant potential to deliver Climate Emergency aims. DEVELOP Funding opportunities - Carry out assessment of funding opportunities with partners and submit bids for external funding to support the delivery of the Climate Emergency action plan (emissions reduction, nature recovery and local adaptation…

… documents. Purpose: This will deliver wider regional emissions reductions. IMPLEMENT Business engagement - Work with specific businesses and sectors of the South Gloucestershire economy to reduce emissions, adapt to the local impacts of climate change, build resilience and increase nature recovery. Purpose: To reduce emissions, build local resilience and increase nature recovery. IMPLEMENT…

… owned buildings and embed action for decarbonisation, climate change adaptation and nature recovery in our property asset management plan. Purpose: To scope and implement carbon emissions reductions. Start retrofit delivery following the in-depth council building stock retrofit analysis and SCOLAS study (1970 school buildings) and solar PV programme. IMPLEMENT 4 Purpose: To implement…

…. DEVELOP Road Verge Management - To continue to deliver the Verge Management Strategy. To continue to implement verge management that supports nature recovery. Purpose: To maximise the benefits to nature from our highways network. IMPLEMENT Carbon Emissions Reduction - To use the Year 1 Highways Maintenance Carbon Emission impact assessment carbon emissions of highway maintenance practices…

… to reduce emissions on the highways network. Purpose: To start implementing lower carbon techniques/approaches to highways maintenance and to implement offsetting requirements for carbon emissions. IMPLEMENT ENABLE – a low carbon South Gloucestershire with our programmes, policies and decisions Fifteen minute neighbourhoods – Plotting out essential destinations within 15 minutes of South…


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