Including 13 closely related terms such as gas emissions, carbon emissions, and reduce emissions.
… of existing climate change.’ In June 2019, the Government announced an amend to the Climate Change Act 2008 to require net United Kingdom carbon emissions to be zero by 2050. The Council is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) at the earliest possible date. The Joint Public Health Strategy sets out a vision for a Healthier Cumbria based on the five capitals, taking…
… A carbon footprint measures the total greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly by a person, organisation, event or product.3 Carbon emission largely come from several main sectors of the Cumbria economy: • Energy. • Housing. • Transport. • Waste. • Industry/Infrastructure. • Farming and Rural. • Tourism. The Countywide Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership (ZCCP) will connect…
… in protecting the environment and in the worldwide movement which aims to tackle climate change. Our commitment is, subject to public consultation and legal constraints, that all the activities of the Council, all strategic decisions, budgeting, and, in so far as the Council can influence, arrangements with partners, are in line with eliminating pollution and achieving net zero carbon emissions…
…), using natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change including moving to a low carbon economy. Climate Change and Flood Risk Objectives • To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, including through securing energy from renewable sources, and avoid inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding to ensure that the District…
… and efficient manner and which contributes to the quality of service delivery. This maintenance strategy is fully integrated with the Asset Management Plan and environmental policy. The Council has developed a Fleet and Plant Strategy that delivers on the commitment to reducing its impact on the local environment and improve local air quality by reducing vehicle emissions. Controlling fleet costs…