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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 14 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, direct emissions, and direct emission.

1 result

Aberdeen City Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… to all stakeholders a comprehensive analysis of the emissions attributable to the city (our total carbon footprint), including the direct emissions related to our homes, workplaces and ground transport, our fair share of emissions related to aviation and shipping, as well as the indirect emissions that arise from the consumption of goods and services by our residents and the organisations based…

… that even though the wealthiest in society have released the majority of carbon emissions, it is the poorest that are hit the hardest by the impacts of the climate crisis. Moving to a future of net zero carbon emissions and beyond, whilst ensuring that everyone can prosper, regardless of status or income, is often termed a ‘just transition’ and should be a key guiding principle for Aberdeen. So…

… we all need to make the journey together, we need leaders to show the way, with urgency. As the Committee on Climate Change has stated, the national target for net zero carbon emissions by 2045 represents a step-change in ambition for Scotland, requiring urgent action across every sector. It has been shown that climate-resilient cities provide a mission-critical solution to furthering…

…- leading target, with 75% of emissions reduction compared to 1990 to be delivered by 2030. That’s a hugely ambitious and steep reduction target, but it is one which can be achieved by working together across the country and by taking concerted action immediately. The decarbonisation of energy generation and supply plays a pivotal role in reducing the carbon intensity of our towns and cities…

…. Indeed, reduced carbon intensity in our power sector has been the dominant driver of our national emissions reductions in recent years, whilst the performance of other sectors has been mixed and incremental at best. This is according to analysis undertaken by the Committee on Climate Change last year. The Committee calls for urgent improvements to policies and governance embedded across all…


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