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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 15 closely related terms such as gas emissions, carbon emissions, and gas emission.

1 result

West Sussex County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… .................................................................................................................. 23 Appendix 1: Representation of WSCC’s baseline carbon emissions within Scopes 1,2 and 3 ......... 26 3 1. Introduction The 2018 report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that without substantial efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade we are likely to face severe, widespread, and irreversible impacts on societies…

… unavailable, it will be reviewed, and a decision made on whether to exclude it from the baseline and future emissions targets. Where possible emissions will be reported on a quarterly basis over the course of each financial year (April – March). A commentary to explain the data and provide an indication of progress on specific project elements will also be provided. Where emissions data

… areas where carbon emissions are significant, where there is the ability to control and direct influence to deliver change, and where there is robust data to demonstrate progress. This includes the: • School estate • Corporate estate • Energy for Street Lights, Traffic Lights and Signs • Business Transport Across these areas of our operations emissions relating to the following sources have…

… not make a direct impact on our carbon emissions as currently reported. We will report the amount of renewable energy generated across all our assets alongside our carbon emissions. 3.3. Out of scope Emissions from the following sources are excluded from reporting due to lack of data, and based on benchmarking with comparable organisations they are also unlikely to be significant: • Commuting…

… ....................................................................................................................... 6 3. Our carbon emissions ................................................................................................................. 7 3.1. Our target ............................................................................................................................ 7 3.2. Scope…


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