Including 9 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions reduction, and emissions scope.
… carbon emissions that the Council have direct control over. They include ‘direct’ emissions under Scope One and include gas consumption of buildings and fuel consumption of Council fleet and vehicles. ‘Indirect’ emissions fall under Scope Two and Scope Three and encompass purchased electricity from a third-party supplier and business mileage and emissions associated with grid losses…
… of actions would then be identified as part of a Carbon Action Plan. Some actions and projects have already been identified by Officers working across the Council for example and will sit within this framework. Item No. 9, Page 10 of 19 Table 3. Current carbon emissions Scope One ‘direct’ emissions Gas consumption in Council buildings Identify opportunities…
…. Key for greenhouse gas and carbon-emissions scope. Scope Emissions source Description 1 Gaseous Fuel Consumption Natural gas fuel combusted on Council sites and in Council Owned Leisure centres. Liquid Fuel – Fleet Liquid fuel (petrol) used by the Council owned vehicle fleet. Liquid Fuel – Waste Liquid fuel (diesel) used by Council operated waste collection…
… the highest gas consumption which illustrates the fact these buildings have a wide audience and support high visitor numbers. 15% 85% CO2 (kg) WODC Council Buildings WODC Leisure Centres Item No. 9, Page 8 of 19 2.3.5. The next carbon-emission reporting cycle is 2019/2020 which will take place at the end of March 2020. 2.3.6. It is proposed that the Council approaches…
… dependence on natural resources. The more we can reduce our demand over time, the less energy we need to find. The next step in a robust energy strategy for the Council is to supply what energy is required, in an efficient way and through low- and zero-carbon technology. These two steps, in combination, can make a significant impact in terms of demand and carbon-emissions reduction and lower…