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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 15 closely related terms such as associated emissions, carbon emissions, and emissions reduction.

1 result

West Dunbartonshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… to make change. This illustrates the initial steps we will take to reduce the environmental impacts and associated emissions from our own operations, and how we will transform the way we protect our community and infrastructure from the impacts of Climate Change. Furthermore, it demonstrates our commitment as a ‘major player’ for mitigating national carbon emissions by supporting the Scottish…

… (the most recent full set of emissions data at time of writing), the Council has reduced our total emissions by 20.3% against our 2012-13 baseline. Therefore, we must highlight the good work that has already been achieved, then improve and build upon the range of interventions that have already been implemented. These include (but not limited to): = The implementation of energy efciency…

… target - Reduction of emissions by 28,719 tCO2e versus 2012/13 baseline (32,961 tCO2e) emissions reduction for the Council since To offset means the action or process of the starting point (the ‘Status Quo compensating for carbon dioxide emissions monitoring scenario’) and; arising from our operations and wider human = Consideration of future emissions activities, by participating in schemes…

… planting initiatives on our own land. Additional areas will projections. Emissions reduction pathway to net zero Appendix I details how emissions have been projected out to 2045 under a ‘Status Quo’ monitoring scenario, including grid electricity projections to account for future decarbonisation of the grid itself. Such a scenario is insufcient to achieving ‘net zero’. The following chart…

… Dunbartonshire Net Zero Carbon Budget 20 Emissions reduction pathway to net zero 20 04 REVIEWING PROGRESS 23 Governance 23 Cross-cutting Policy 24 Inspiring change 24 Energy & Water & Assets 24 Housing 25 Waste & Circular Economy 25 Sustainable Travel 26 Sustainable Procurement 26 Biodiversity, Greenspace & Landscape 26 Climate Impacts, Risks & Adaptation 27 Schools &…


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