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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 18 closely related terms such as reduce emissions, total emissions, and gas emission.

1 result

North Northamptonshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… 2.1. International Context .................................................................................................... 9 2.2. Central government policy and greenhouse gas emission targets ................................... 9 2.3. The National Adaptation Programme ........................................................................... 10 2.4. National initiatives…

….......................................................... 23 6. Raise awareness of the issues of climate change .................................... 24 7. Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases .................................................. 25 3 7.1. Trends in emissions data ............................................................................................. 25 7.2. Other local achievements in climate change mitigation…

… ................................................ 29 7.3. Implications of national emissions targets over 2020 – 2023 ......................................... 31 8. Plan and adapt to the impacts of climate change ................................... 32 8.1. Built Environment and Infrastructure ........................................................................... 32 8.2. Healthy and Resilient Communities…

… in total emissions 5 recorded between 2005 and 2017 and a 37.2% reduction in per capita emissions. Whilst latest emissions data at the local authority level made available by government shows that in Northamptonshire, a reduction in per capita emissions of 3.9% was achieved between 2016 and 2017, greater than the annual reduction targets prescribed by the previous Climate Change Strategy…

… is required in the 33 years from 2017 (the most recent year for which greenhouse gas emission data is available with emissions totalling 4009.8 kt CO2) to 2050. Precluding any carbon capture measures - this equates to an overall annual 3% reduction in emissions. The actions associated with this Climate Change Strategy will support the uptake of measures which contribute towards the achievement…


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