Including 11 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, reduce emissions, and direct emissions.
… that were required to deliver a 41% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020 from a 2009/10 baseline. The latest data from 2018/19 demonstrated that the Council’s direct emissions have reduced by 48.1% from this baseline. The Council’s new 5 year action plan will be considered by the Executive in March 2020 alongside a new Manchester Climate Change Framework 2020-25 and summary of Partnership Action…
… on the path to zero carbon and will cover the period 2020-25 which aligns with the end of the current Our Manchester Strategy. 2.0 Background 2.1 In November 2018, the city worked with the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of Manchester to develop carbon emission reduction targets to ensure that Manchester plays its full part in reaching the UKs commitment…
… exceeding the previous action plan target to reduce emissions by 41% by 2020. The four main areas which contribute to the Council’s direct emissions are as follows: ● Buildings 68.9% ● Street lights 17.7% ● Biffa waste collection fleet 8.3% ● Staff travel 4.1% (Grey Fleet business travel using staff vehicles, taxis, train, air, city car club 4.3 Whilst only directly responsible for just over 2…
… 2019, Manchester City Council declared a climate emergency. This declaration recognised the need for the city to do more to reduce its carbon emissions and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and demonstrated the Council’s commitment to be at the forefront of the global climate response to climate change and to lead by example. The scientifically calculated target is for the City…
… of Manchester to limit CO2 emissions to 15 million tonnes between 2018 and 2100 and to be zero carbon by 2038. This means reducing emissions by approximately 13% each year, in effect halving them over the next five years. This target is 12 years earlier than the national 2050 target. 3.0 Citywide leadership 3.1 The Council has played a key leadership role within the city for a decade…