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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions, and emissions.

1 result

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

emissions from 2018 (the most recent available) are now published and show a considerable reduction over time. In 2018, LCR produced almost 7,000 kilotonnes (kt) CO2; a reduction of approximately 4,500kt (40%) since 2005. 5.1.2 The sectoral split shows that carbon emissions have fallen in the industrial and commercial and domestic sectors, but have remained static in the transport sector…

… parties across the City Region. In addition to public consultation it is therefore proposed that a broad-based Climate Panel be formed to participate in the formation of the Climate Action Plan and support its implementation. 5. CLIMATE ACTION PLAN PROGRESS 5.1 Climate evidence baseline 5.1.1 Work to create the climate evidence baseline is ongoing, however Government data on carbon

…. Figure 2: Estimated Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector, Kilotonnes, Liverpool City Region, 2005 to 2018. 5.1.3 Per capita emissions average 4.5 tonnes per annum across the LCR area; lower than the England or North West average, although there is considerable variation between the 6 local authority areas. The reason for this variation can be seen in the sectoral split for each local authority…

… area, with industrial and commercial emissions higher in Liverpool, Sefton and St Helens. Figure 3: Estimated Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector, Kilotonnes, Liverpool City Region Districts, 2018. 5.2 Programme of work towards zero carbon target 5.2.1 With the completion of the climate evidence baseline it will be possible to move forward to plan a roadmap toward the zero carbon…


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