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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 8 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions reduction, and emissions.

1 result

Lincolnshire County Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… is carbon management important to LCC? Climate Change Act: LCC believes that our activities shall align to the 80% emissions reduction target by 2050 and any future international/national commitments Leadership: Implementing this plan will demonstrate that LCC is committed to an innovative and creative approach to reducing carbon emissions and adapting to climate change Cost savings: Implementing…

… Aiming to achieve a further 20% reduction in emissions by 2023   Reduced our footprint by 14,504 tonnes of carbon and reduced related costs by £9.4 million Cumulative carbon savings over the past 5 years have reached 37,010 tonnes of carbon Looking ahead to CMP 3, which sets out our strategy and action plan for continuing to reduce carbon emissions over the next 5 years 2 Why…

… (£) £5,629,370 £4,416,076 £647,374 £10,692,819 4 Current footprint of the council 82.9% 16.2% 0.9% Breakdown of carbon emissions (CO2e) Energy Transport Water 52.6% 41.3% 6.1% Breakdown of carbon related costs (£) Energy Transport Water Carbon intensity of transport will generate a higher saving per kgCO2e saved 5 Carbon reduction target 2018…

… Business As Usual (BAU) increase and reduction targets BAU 20% reduction We will reduce the carbon emissions from our activities by 20% by 2023, from a 2016/17 baseline of 28,679 tonnes CO2e. TARGET FOR 2023 6 Why reach this target?  Cost savings  Raised awareness of climate change amongst staff, stakeholders and the public  Positive community…

… increase from £10.7m to £14.2m by 2023 – an increase of approx. £3.5m. Achieving a 20% reduction in carbon emissions over the whole five years could result in cumulative savings of £12.4m (as shown by hatched area). Estimates include a prediction of energy/resource price inflation of 4% annually, hence even in a 20% reduction scenario, overall prices increase. 7 Planned carbon saving projects…


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