Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions, and emission.
… or adapt (called adaptation) (b) Cutting carbon emissions to try to reduce our contribution to the problem in the first place (called carbon reduction or management or mitigation). Carbon Dioxide (CO2) A naturally occurring gas and one of the most abundant greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is also a by-product of industrial processes, burning fossil fuels and land use changes…
… or organisation in a given time frame. Usually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year. Carbon Management Plan A carbon management plan brings together in one place everything you are doing to measure and reduce your carbon emissions. It details your objectives and targets, the emissions baseline, progress against targets, the outcome of completed carbon reduction targets…
… and the action plan of future reduction targets. Business as Usual Scenario A description of what would most likely occur in the absence of a carbon offset project, also referred to as the ‘baseline scenario’. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. ROLE OF THE DOCUMENT This third Carbon Management Plan outlines how Falkirk Council may manage its carbon emissions for the period 2015-2021…
… related costs rising from £5.9m to £10.3m over 8 years1. Over the 5 year life span of this document, carbon related costs are expected to increase by a further £2.6m or 14%.2 The plan identifies a programme of 18 projects that can help to reduce the carbon emissions to some extent, to a value of about £2m over its lifetime. However, even if they are successfully delivered, carbon emissions…
… are still projected to increase by 6% and costs to grow by £2.6m p.a. 3 The Council area’s population continues to grow in relation to population and Falkirk Council is one of only a few Scottish local authorities whose carbon emissions have continued to increase over time. Public reporting to Scottish Government on carbon emissions will become mandatory in 2016, although the Council has been…