Including 14 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, direct emissions, and direct emission.
… and the District by 2050, or sooner. Recommendations Cabinet is recommended: a. To acknowledge the work already undertaken (and being undertaken) by the Council to reduce carbon emissions, as summarised in Appendix A; b. To endorse the outcomes of the carbon emissions baseline modelling and future trend emissions projections for both the Council and the District; c. To agree the proposed action plan…
… in order to lower emissions, as briefly summarised in Appendix A. However, it was acknowledged that further work was required to understand the steps that need to be taken to achieve the new decarbonisation target. Consultants were therefore engaged to provide a better understanding of current (and projected future) emissions and identify further actions to reduce carbon emissions. The consultants…
…), as Scope 1 (direct emissions from the combustion of gas, oil, petrol, wood etc.), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity) and Scope 3 (other indirect emissions that are occur in an organisation’s value chain). For the Council, Scope 1 and 2 emissions are those from sources controlled by the Council and for which the Council pays the energy/fuel bill. Scope 3…
… District carbon emissions by sector and fuel type (2017) 7. For the Council, total scope 1 and 2 emissions for the year 2018-19 were 1,424 tCO2e, equating to roughly 0.2% of the 2017 District emissions. Figure 2 illustrates the relative contribution from different fuels, building use categories and fleet vehicles that make up the Council’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions. This shows that most…
… set up a monitoring and management process to review progress against agreed priority actions and report on emissions as follows: a. Six-monthly assessment and report of progress against prioritised actions b. Annual assessment and report of emissions reductions, to include the following: i. Annual District carbon emissions ii. Annual Council carbon emission iii. National grid decarbonisation…