Including the closely related terms emissions, emission, and emissions.
… “Emissions associated with combustion of fuels in stationary equipment (typically boilers in buildings). Consumption data provided for three buildings. “ Investigate installing much more sophisticated thermostats for the heating system at Follaton House 1 N Med Low 2 years Investigate alternative heating systems - Biomass boilers, Air/Ground source heat pumps, additional PV at relevant…
… buildings 1 N High Med 5 years Investigate ‘fabric first approach’ to reduce energy needs 1 N Med Med 5 years 1.2 Owned transport 3199.4 Emissions associated with mobile equipment, typically transport equipment e.g. Localities vehicles, waste collection vehicles, maintenance vans, LA owned cars etc. Emissions were calculated from two sources. Firstly, fuel bought on forecourts data…
… a reduction in number of ‘cuts’ and promoting wild flowers etc. 1 N Low High 6 months 1.3 Process emissions 0 Waste collection is part of the Council’s obligations - those emissions are included within transport based emissions (2. Owned Transport). Waste processing is a function of upper tier authorities and so are out of scope for second tier authorities. There are no other process emissions…
…. 1.4 Fugitive emissions 0 Emissions due to leakage of refrigerant from air conditioning systems. Scope two No. Category Tonnes of CO2 equivalent 2018/19 Notes and information Supporting actions Influence Doing now Carbon saving Biodiversity saving Implementation time 5 Consumption of purchased electricity, heat, steam and cooling 290.9 “Emissions associated with purchased…
… and information Supporting actions Influence Doing now Carbon saving Biodiversity saving Implementation time 3.6 Purchased material and fuel 1515.1 Embedded emissions of all purchased materials and fuels. Materials emissions were taken to be emissions associated with the purchase of goods. These were established by identifying the “top 10” contracts from the council’s procurement records…