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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 11 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, direct emissions, and direct emission.

1 result

London Borough of Haringey

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… the borough by the earliest date that was both ambitious but achievable. Scope and definitions 6.7 The Green House Gas Protocol splits carbon emissions into three categories, which can be defined as follows in relation to the Haringey Action Plan:  Scope 1. Direct emissions from sources that are owned and controlled in the borough.  Scope 2. Indirect emissions, generated from the heat…

… finance models. The Council can only control less than 10% of the Borough’s carbon emissions. The Action Plan sets the context for this level of ambition, the actions required to deliver this, and the funding and legislative changes required. It also sets the timeframes for projects and programmes which the Council will deliver with national, and regional government alongside the residents…

… housing by delivering healthier homes through improved energy efficiency standards. 2.6 This Action Plan is about reducing carbon emissions in Haringey and raising awareness about climate change across our borough. For the borough to deliver this ambition Haringey’s residents, visitors, stakeholders and businesses need to share their input into the Action Plan’s delivery. While the Council can…

… lead in delivering the actions set out in the Council chapter, the actions listed in other chapters need others to deliver and actively support. Approximately 92% of all borough carbon emissions can only be delivered by these groups, as they are not within the Council’s gift to deliver these savings. But the Council will work with all parties, including government agencies, and show leadership…

… government. 6. Background information Zero-carbon: national, regional and local context 6.1 In 2008, the UK agreed the world’s first primary legislation (the Climate Change Act 2008, amended in June 2019), requiring all layers of government to deliver action to reduce carbon emissions, abating 100 per cent of emissions by 2050, from a 1990 baseline. Since the government passed this Act…


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