Including 9 closely related terms such as gas emissions, carbon emissions, and gas emission.
… with highest levels of air pollution for transport interventions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving peoples’ health e.g. electric bus routes, increased provision of cycle paths, more EV charging stations, changing the Council’s own car f leet to electric vehicles. Recommendation 1 Introduce a free park and ride scheme for schools (using electric buses) along with car sharing…
… and Recycling General Message: Newham will reduce food waste and food miles and aspire to recycle 100%. Strongly support Support Neither support nor oppose Oppose Strongly Oppose 50% 35.3% 14.7% 0% 0% Support 85.3% The issue of food was one that many assembly members were struck by. The statistics they heard from one presenter about food waste being a major contributor to carbon emissions…
… of lightning stickers: The meat industry is a huge cause of carbon emissions. It is time to switch to being vegan, vegetarian or eating meat very rarely. However there was mixed feeling over the issue and the two recommendations below were much more popular helping to form one of the final recommendations. • Reduce the proportion of meat available from catering and at public events, while…
… the climate emergency and includes actionable advice. 2. The council holds events to invite ‘heads of’, leaders and key influencers who can pass on the message to more people. 3. The council makes data on emissions so that residents and the council can monitor progress and hold each other to account. 4. The council should leverage the capabilities of local institutions to educate and raise awareness…
…. The final list of speakers is set out below. Thurs 6 Feb Climate Change - What it is, what a council can do. Thurs 13 Feb What Newham Council is planning to do, different perspectives for action. Sat 22 Feb Local perspectives and things local residents and community can do. Topic Presenter Topic Presenter Group Presenter Climate Change What it is. The impacts Situation in Newham. Carbon…