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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions, and emission.

1 result

London Borough of Lambeth

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

…, voluntary, community and faith groups to agree on how to reduce carbon emissions across the borough. Reducing emissions across Lambeth will require dramatic changes in the ways that homes, businesses and the public sector function. The Council and its local partners have therefore sought to involve the wider public in helping to think through what those changes should look and feel like. One…

… In January 2019, Lambeth Council declared a climate emergency and committed to ensuring the Council’s operations were carbon neutral by 2030. As well as being responsible for reducing its own carbon emissions the Council recognised its role in bringing together residents, partners, businesses, voluntary, community and faith groups to agree on how to reduce carbon emissions across the borough…

…. In February 2020, Lambeth Council appointed Traverse to design and run Lambeth’s Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change. The aim of the Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change was to develop a set of recommendations for the borough to reduce carbon emissions to net zero. Between May and July 2021, 47 Lambeth residents engaged in the Assembly through online workshops and activities. Below…

…. Energy providers should support and work collaboratively with Lambeth Council on how best to increase awareness (and understanding) amongst the borough's residents, businesses and other organisations on how to save energy and make their homes and commercial buildings more energy efficient. 4. Public sector organisations and big businesses should focus on reducing emissions relating…

… Page 4 Open Final - Version 24/08/2021 1. Introduction 1.1. Background and context In January 2019, Lambeth Council declared a climate emergency and committed to ensuring the Council’s operations were carbon neutral by 2030. As well as being responsible for reducing its own carbon emissions the Council recognised its role in bringing together residents, partners, businesses…


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