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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, emissions, and emissions.

1 result

London Borough of Camden

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

…  ACTIONS  ● A carbon cost ? i.e. an audit  ● An options appraisal study = cost benefit and ? by 2025  ● Need to think about off site emissions  ● Targets with dates  ● Guided by cost benefit analysis  ● Measure the cost of carbon emissions  ● Suggestions  ○ Short / medium / long term  ○ Shared with other councils  ○ Carbon neutral Camden 10% per annum RESPONSIBILITY  ● The Council RESOURCES…

….  Strongly agree  Agree  Disagree  Strongly  disagree  DNV / Spoilt  Ballot  42%  46%  6%  4%  2%  16. Green the council’s operations  The council should green its operations by using a zero emissions vehicle fleet; purchasing  from green suppliers and using electricity from renewable sources. It should commission an  audit and options appraisal study, measure the costs of carbon emissions, and set…

… out the current situation. ​Professor Mark  Maslin​ – University College London – presented the science of climate change and its  ecological impacts and ​Chris Dunham​ – Carbon Descent – presented the current CO2  emissions in Camden and where the borough might get to in 2030.  Following each presentation, assembly members considered the key points that had been  raised, noting these down…

…”  IMPACTS  ● Everyone exposed to the Communication would benefit from learning about how to  lessen their CO2 emissions.  TIMESCALES  ● 2 years and then ongoing  6. Plant more trees and create more allotments  WHICH IDEA IS BEING DEVELOPED?  ● Plant more trees and preserve the ones we have.  ● Plant more trees. More community fruit trees. More allotments.  ACTIONS  ● Replace bollards with plant pots…


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