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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 13 closely related terms such as gas emissions, carbon emissions, and emissions reduction.

1 result

Lincolnshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… visible to the public. b. Greenhouse gas emissions reporting. c. Adhere to BEIS voluntary targets. d. Emissions reduction pledge 2020. 3) The public perception of climate change a. We recognise the local impact of climate change on our services and communities b. We are leading by example as demonstrated by our signed commitment to Climate Local. c. To create a positive stance…

… of reducing our CO2e emissions and contribute to national efforts on carbon reduction. As an integral part of our vision for the future, LCC is committed to developing sustainable practices that will continue to demonstrate our commitment to reduce carbon emissions and remain efficient and effective in our operations. Furthermore, we are committing to the Government's Emissions Reduction Pledge…

… 2020 which has a voluntary 30% reduction target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the public sector by 20/21, compared to a 2009/10 baseline. Cllr Eddy Poll Executive Councilor for Commercial and Environmental Management LCC Carbon Management Plan Page | 3 Foreword from the Carbon Trust Cutting carbon emissions as part of the challenge against…

… recognised as one of the greatest environmental and economic threats. LCC is determined to play a full part in delivering on our collective responsibility to reduce carbon emissions. Our drivers for tackling climate change 2.3 The UK has made specific domestic and international commitments to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Many public sector bodies and private businesses are taking…

… 3. Emissions Baseline and Target 3.1 The carbon baseline is a record of our approximate carbon emissions in a chosen year 2016/17. Targets and performance in reducing emissions are measured against this figure as a percentage of the baseline value. This section outlines what parts of our organisation’s emissions are included in the baseline and how we have calculated it. Scope and Data…


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