Including 9 closely related terms such as emissions reduction, emissions, and plan emissions.
… to plan emissions reduction in Street Cleansing Energy and Renewables Leisure, Waste and Street Scene 01/02/2027 Medium Identify opportunities to work with other public sector organisations and communit ies to support environmental activity Community Climate and Environment 01/02/2024 Medium Deliver the communications plan for the Climate strategy Community Place 01/02/2024 Medium…
… Update Procurement Rules to ensure new contracts/services minimise negative impact on the Climate All Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2024 Medium Adopt a methodology to report on carbon emissions derived from flexible/home working All Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2024 Medium Implement impact assessments for all key decisions to ensure climate implications are considered All…
… Cl imate and Environment 01/02/2024 Medium Develop an approach to capturing carbon emissions in reports and business case development All Climate and Environment 01/02/2024 Medium Set a carbon budget (exponentia l) that aligns with t he UK Government carbon budgets and future budget cycles All Climate and Environment 01/02/2025 Medium Review existing spend pn good and services…
… Customer Services 01/02/2027 Medium Engage with key registered providers of housing, to give tenants information that encourages them to reduce thei r carbon emissions Buildings Jobs, Economy and Housing 01/02/2027 Medium Develop an Energy Strategy Energy and Renewables Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2025 Medium Identify emissions from HDC IT data centres to include them…
… Medium Conduct a staff travel survey on employee commuting, to assess climate impact Travel and Transport Climate and Environment 01/02/2024 Medium Collect information on staff travel (business mileage) from payroll to enable accurate emissions reporting. Travel and Transport Corporate and Shared Services 01/02/2025 Medium Implement a real nappy initiative scheme Waste, Recycling &…