Including 11 closely related terms such as direct emissions, direct emission, and emissions reduction.
… were 876t CO2e. This represents an 11% decrease on 2021-22. Freedom Leisure publish an annual report which provides further information in respect of emissions reductions initiatives. Figure Three – Derbyshire Dales District Council leisure centres ‘carbon footprint’ 2022-23 shown in scopes measured Waste collection contract The reported emissions from the waste disposal contract…
… in 2022-23 were 215.9t CO2e This is the first year in which these emissions have been reported. Baseline measurement The baseline reporting year is 2019-20. Targets The Council target is to become net zero in respect of its own operations by 2030. There are no annual targets set for emissions reduction. Offsetting The Council does not currently offset any emissions. Electricity The Council…
… Derbyshire Dales District Council emissions report 2022-23 Reporting period 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023 Glossary of terms CO2e - carbon dioxide equivalent. The standard measurement of GHG emissions in terms of the most common greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2) Net zero – also sometimes referred to as ‘carbon neutral…
…’ and refers to a situation where the total greenhouse gases produced are equal to those offset, removed or avoided (this is not the same as zero carbon where no greenhouse gases are produced) Scope 1 emissions - these include emissions from activities owned or controlled by an organisation that release emissions into the atmosphere. They are direct emissions. Examples of Scope 1 emissions include…
… emissions from combustion in owned or controlled boilers and vehicles. Scope 2 emissions - these include emissions released into the atmosphere associated with consumption of purchased electricity, heat, steam and cooling. These are indirect emissions that are a consequence of an organisation’s activities, but which occur at sources they do not own or control. Scope 3 emissions – these are emissions…