Including 13 closely related terms such as gas emissions, carbon emissions, and reduce emissions.
… together with partners and our local communities we can play our part in achieving the UK’s 2050 net zero greenhouse gas emissions target. As an organisation we need to make better use of our resources, finding more efficient and cost effective ways of delivering our services and carrying out our activities, leading by example and educating ourselves and others so that collectively we can make…
… that almost 60% of the District’s CO2e emissions are generated by road transport and residential buildings. To stay on track to meet the UK’s 2050 net zero greenhouse gas emissions target there is an urgent need to move away from using fossil fuels in our vehicles and homes. The choices we make and the action we take can all have a positive impact on reducing the emissions we generate in our daily…
… to these changes and increase our resilience to mitigate their effects. Our Council is committed to this challenge and the principle of carbon reduction. Following COP27 we, as an organisation, are restating our intention to achieve an 80% reduction in our carbon emissions by 2030. We have shown through the pandemic that we can deal with global emergency and as we come out of this there is a window…
… gas (GHG) emissions associated with an individual, organisation or activity. An increase in climate change gas emissions, and therefore our carbon footprint, is the primary cause associated with climate change and its negative impacts. Rising temperatures are changing the growing patterns of plants and crops, and sea levels are rising as a result of melting polar ice caps leading…
… • REDUCE - consumables, energy, travel, waste; • REUSE - renewable energy, materials, products, equipment; • RECYCLE - water, waste, by-products; • RETHINK - can we do something different? Do we need to do it at all? Local Authorities are well placed to influence change in our areas by being community leaders, raising awareness about the potential to reduce emissions and by working…