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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 7 closely related terms such as reduce emissions, emissions scenario, and emissions.

1 result

South Kesteven District Council

Direct link to biodiversity plan (PDF)

… (see below). The impacts of climate change, disease and non-native species are significant individually, but it is how they could interact with and multiply the existing threats that is of most concern. 3.2 Climate change The threat posed by climate change is thought to be the most significant threat to our biodiversity in the long term. Even with stringent carbon emission control…

…, to which biodiversity cannot adapt in the same way as it can to gradual changes. Therefore as well as Box 3: Projected climate changes for the East Midlands Medium emissions scenario for the 2050s;  Increase in winter mean temperature is likely to be between 1.1°C and 3.4°C.  Increase in summer mean temperature is likely to be between 1.2°C and 4.2°C.  Change in winter precipitation…

… is likely to be between 2% and 29%.  Change in summer precipitation is likely to be between -36% and 6%. 18 6 working to reduce emissions, we must accept that there will be climate impacts on biodiversity, and do what we can to minimise them. For many species moving will be the most likely response to the effects of climate change, but in a landscape of fragmented habitat…


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