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Search results for "emissions scope"

Including 13 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, direct emissions, and direct emission.

1 result

Isles of Scilly

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… capturing carbon from the atmosphere and locking it away. Climate change adaptation works in tandem with climate change mitigation measures. Although reducing carbon emissions is important, it will take many decades for emission reductions to reverse climate changes to which we’re already committed. This is why we need to adapt to the inevitable physical impacts of climate change such as sea…

… Accounting Tool, developed for the Local Government Association, the Council has calculated its carbon emissions* using this standardised and consistent approach for the first time. The tool uses the Government’s carbon factors which are updated and published annually and applies them to the Council’s operational activities. These are divided into three categories, or “scopes”. Scope 1 includes…

… our direct emissions, from the activities we have under our direct control, such as our fossil fuel heating (oil and gas) and our petrol and diesel powered fleet vehicles and equipment. Scope 2 focusses on our emissions specifically from electricity consumption from our buildings and street lights. Scope 3 includes the other “indirectemissions such as water consumption and business…

… 0.76 Total Operational Emissions 363.68 112.28 As you can see from the data, the carbon emissions for the year 2019/20 are significantly higher than reported in 2020/21. There are several reasons for this dramatic reduction which are explained below. During 2019/2020 the Council was responsible for the management of St Mary’s water and sewerage provision. The electricity consumption…

… (e.g. petrol, diesel or electric). These decisions are reflected within the ten objectives set out within this Climate Change Action Plan as we move further away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy provision across the islands. By 2026, the Council aims to reduce its direct carbon emissions (scope 1 and scope 2) by 75% against the 2019 baseline, a significant step towards…


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