Including 16 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and emissions reduction.
… Sustainability for All 4. Wandsworth Council has declared a Climate Emergency and is committed to taking action to reduce carbon emissions from the organisation, reduce carbon emissions across the borough and to prepare the borough for a changing climate. The Council has set a target of being carbon neutral as an organisation by 2030 and carbon zero by 2050. In November 2022, Wandsworth adopted a new…
… the vision for the borough, the challenges faced, and the actions to be taken to address these challenges over the short, medium and long term. The Wandsworth Climate Action Plan sets out in detail the specific actions that will be delivered. By implementing the Climate Action Plan, Wandsworth will deliver sustainability for all – reducing carbon emissions from the organisation, from the borough…
… emissions, is included at Appendix B. 13. Work on carbon emissions reductions from buildings is led by Property Services with support from other council teams, including Finance. As highlighted in the report to Environment Committee in November 2022 (Paper 22-336), a Decarbonisation Strategy which sets out the path for decarbonising the corporate estate, a major source of carbon emissions…
… assessed. This will enable a Scope 3 Delivering Sustainability for All Page 6 of 20 (Paper No. 23-51) Official emissions reduction target to be set during 2023. alongside carbon calculators, recruit for policy specialist to embed sustainable procurement, further implement the policy toolkit, including increased guidance for officers and carbon calculators. 20. There will be a structured…
… on climate change and sustainability, aiming to maintain it’s a rating from CDP and reporting openly on progress being made and targets set, as well as developing carbon emissions pathways for borough and council emissions. Partnership working on climate change projects and programme, both within the organisation and with other London Boroughs and partners climate work, will continue, building…