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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 25 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and emissions reduction.

1 result

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… financially efficient. The funding challenge to delivering net zero is great, and will be met with strong cases for investment, innovative financing approaches that engage the public, maximising the value of spend on carbon reduction, and leveraging outside funding. H&F’s climate and ecology strategy sets out the route to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 for the borough. Its…

… of greenhouse gases the UK should emit on its way to net zero. They have assessed that the government’s current planned policies are not enough to meet these commitments10. The UK is not alone in setting aggressive emissions reduction targets – almost every other large emitter has done so, including China and the United States. H&F acts H&F has taken action to protect our environment over…

… for H&F’s households; 2.5 times the level of our direct emissions alone. While we cannot reduce these emissions to zero solely through our own actions, reducing emissions from the things we use is therefore a key element of the strategy. To meet the aim of keeping global temperature rise under 1.5°C in line with the principles of the Paris Climate Agreement, the borough must also limit its…

… in the production of electricity consumed within the borough boundary. Scope 3 emissions are all other emissions that occur due to activity within the borough, but that occur elsewhere (such as in the production and transportation of gas consumed within the borough in this instance). 2,163 2,928 51,724 561 5,170 H&F Council carbon emissions, 2019/20 (tonnes of CO2e) Vehicles (including council…

… targets for substituting fossil fuel-based processes with zero-carbon ones, such as number of journeys transitioned from car to public transport, and percentage of heating demand reduced through better insulation. Carbon balancing The only way to ensure a safe climate is to radically reduce carbon emissions from the borough’s assets and activities to as close to zero as possible…


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