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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 5 closely related terms such as emissions, emissions, and emission.

1 result

Eastleigh Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 2020 11 Offsetting CarbonFREE Investigate the use of a Carbon Trust accredited scheme to immediately offset the Councils emissions. Then develop a plan to locally offset the Council’s operational and outsourced emissions, including from energy consumption and Council development projects Ensure that Council responds to its emissions whilst work is carried out to reduce the impact…

… of operations. Initial offsetting proposal by November 2019, local scheme developed by September 2020. 12 Procurement Review existing procurement Detailed appraisal of the Council’s procurement to identify opportunities to reduce the environmental impact and emissions of spend. Council procurement is estimated to equate to a third of the Councils emissions. Updated Procurement Policy…

…. 30 Transport Business transport Develop a plan to increase take- up of zero carbon “last mile” sustainable delivery services used by local businesses. Increasing the number of final deliveries from distribution centres to businesses and from businesses to local customers that are made by zero emission transport. Work with local transport organisation to expand scheme into Eastleigh…

… importing mature trees to improve coverage across the borough. Business case developed by September 2020. 6 Ecology Wildflowers Introduce more wildflower areas across the borough, including mixture of ornamental and native wildflowers and areas which are left with minimal maintenance to increase bio-diversity. Reduction in operational emissions and increased areas for bio diversity. Plan…

…. Utilising purchasing power to shift the UK power supply to renewable energy, reducing GHG emissions nationally. 100% Green Electricity by April 2020. 10 Energy Green Gas Supply Investigate the potential for the Council to move to a Green gas supplier. Utilising purchasing power to shift the UK power supply to renewable energy, reducing GHG emissions nationally. Investigation by April…


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