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Search results for "emissions reductions"

Including 11 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and reduction.

1 result

Mid Sussex District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of new procurement guidelines being developed by July 2018. MSDC Sustainability Officer/Head of Digital and Customer Service Consideration of greenhouse gas emissions, use of plastic, packaging Existing Budget Contracts Scope existing contracts and consider appropriate sustainability indicators and impact of Social Value Act for future contracts by March 2019 MSDC Joint…

… and opportunities laid out in the Risk Assessment and will also be produced every five years. Sustainability Strategy February 2018 18 The Clean Growth Strategy (2017) sets out a range of policies and proposals across the industrial, transport and domestic sectors to reduce carbon emissions. ‘Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment’ (2018) sets out a national long-term framework…

… around areas such as climate change, carbon reduction and the management of waste that the Council needs to address. It is important to ensure that the Council has a Sustainability Action Plan in place to help co-ordinate and structure sustainability actions and ensure that they are implemented in a meaningful and pragmatic way. Our Action Plan is included at Appendix 1 and is split into three…

… as the management of its own buildings and public spaces. Activities include but are not restricted to energy efficiency and carbon reduction; procurement of materials, managing the use of our vehicles and improving waste minimisation; conserving and reducing water use in the Council’s buildings. Sustainable Environment This concentrates on areas where environmental impacts can be addressed, mainly…

… through Planning Policy and the District Plan. In terms of land use and the built environment it is about ensuring that development in Mid Sussex is more sustainable. This theme also covers work to support sustainable economic growth. Areas of activity include sustainable transport; waste minimisation and recycling; water conservation and flooding, air quality; energy efficiency and carbon reduction


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