Including 17 closely related terms such as emissions reduction, reduction, and new emission.
…, the Council launched a new overarching Climate Change Strategy, as a Route Map to reaching our national climate change targets. This project was commissioned in response to the Climate Emergency, announced by Scotland’s First Minister in 2019, followed by the ‘Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019’, detailing new emission reduction targets for Scotland nationally: • 56…
…) Act 2009, which details these targets, is regarded as one of the most ambitious Climate Change legislation in the world. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 places duties on all public bodies to contribute to emission reduction targets deliver programmes to increase resilience against Climate Change, and to act in a ‘Sustainable’ way. Under the act, the Council is identified as a ‘Major…
… The scope of this Climate Change Action Plan covers mitigation, Adaptation and sustainability actions (as defined by the Climate Change (Scot- land) Act 2009), addressing both: • The Council’s ‘internal’ impacts and performance - emissions and Adaptation risks associated with the delivery of Council services, and the achievement of the emissions reduction target set out in the Council’s…
… Climate Change Strategy; and • Wider ‘external’ impacts which are influenced but not directly controlled by the Council - emissions, climate risks and wider sustainability issues affecting communities, businesses and the environment across West Dunbartonshire. The proposed actions set out in this Action Plan have been developed and agreed by the Climate Change Action Group…
…. The West Dunbartonshire Climate Change Strategy (2021) provides detailed information regarding the Council’s carbon emissions footprint, which has been used to develop targeted mitigation actions as detailed within this Action Plan. To provide a similar evidence base for Adaptation actions and to ensure that climate risks to the delivery of Council services are identified and addressed…