Including 11 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and reduction.
… all new major Council contracts incorporate a Carbon Reduction Plan to demonstrate progress towards net zero operations by 2030 and will manage progress on these Plans throughout the life of the contract TBC TBC 3.2 Explore opportunities to work with existing contractors to invest in processes, facilities and infrastructure to minimise carbon emissions - including for instance leisure centres…
… fossil fuels [£] [£] Ambition 2 – Low Carbon South Warwickshire 2030: to reduce net carbon emissions from across South Warwickshire by a minimum of 55% by 2030 and alongside this, plan how to further reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. 1 O n R o ad Tr an sp o rt 3,192,000 tCO2e by 2030 1.1 Travelling shorter distances: we will work with our partners…
… emissions from aviation Nil Nil 3 D o m es ti c En er gy 1,213,000 tCO2e by 2030 3.1 We will deliver a deep carbon retrofit of all Council owned dwellings below EPC C by 2030 [£££] [£££] 3.2 We will work with local Housing Associations to support in accessing and utilising finding to deliver a deep carbon reduction retrofit of all Council owned dwellings below EPC C by 2030…
…, we will switch WDC's investments away from fossil fuels funds by April 2023 2021 Mar-22 Finance Nil N/A This action was completed in September 2021 Ambition 2 - DETAIL Ambition 2 – Low Carbon South Warwickshire 2030: to reduce net carbon emissions from across South Warwickshire by a minimum of 55% by 2030 and alongside this, plan how to further reduce carbon emissions to net zero…
… the significance of heritage assets whilst enabling retrofitting of homes to reduce carbon emissions (such as rooftop solar or cavity wall insulation). 2022 2024 Place and Economy; Development Nil 3.4 Promoting help and support available through Act on Energy Behaviour change campaign to be developed and launched. Every household to be aware of support available to decarbonise…