Including 23 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce, and emissions reduction.
… industrial processes (10.9%) and waste management (0.7%). The natural environment, including the Slough’s trees and ecosystems, can absorb carbon from the atmosphere, and contribute to a net reduction in emissions (-0.2%). Understanding GHG emissions sources in this way is valuable in helping us to target emissions reduction actions. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY AND ACTION…
… PLAN Slough Borough Council | Executive Summary 5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 2018 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 k tC O 2 e Anticipating future emissions reductions Emissions reduction “pathways” can be modelled to show us possible scenarios for future GHG emissions based on differing levels of action to reduce emissions. In the graph across, we model…
… to achieve the actions. The actions will offer positive impacts across wider economic, social and environmental spheres, termed “co-benefits”. It is essential that these savings and co-benefits are considered in making the case for action. Next steps Based on carbon savings potential, the priority areas for action around carbon reduction are improving building efficiency, reducing emissions…
… and private rented sector have the highest proportion of poorly insulated and energy efficient buildings. Local Transport Plan (LTP3) 2011-2026 The Local Transport Plan details Slough’s long-term strategy for transport and includes the reduction of carbon emissions and climate change adaptation as key priorities. Low Emission Strategy 2018-2025 The strategy aims to improve air quality and health…
… the impacts of two potential pathways. The blue line shows anticipated emissions in Slough should no direct action be taken in the borough. The green line shows anticipated emissions should the borough implement an ambitious suite of measures, demonstrating “High Ambition”. The dotted line shows the emissions reductions required by the Paris Agreement, a treaty which aims to limit warming to 2°C…